In my last blog, I explored the Top 6 Places to Visit in Dhangadhi. This time I will tell you about the famous lake in Kailali district. Ghodaghodi Lake Area (GLA), located in Ghodaghodi Municipality, Kailali, Nepal, is a popular tourist attraction for both local and foreign visitors. Subtropical tropical deciduous forest surrounds the Lake area. Geographically, ecologically, and socioeconomically, the area is unique. And the lake is a Ramsar site, having been designated as a wetland of international importance by the Ramsar Convention on August 13, 2003.
It was built in August 2003 at a height of 0.12 miles above sea level. It spans 2,563 hectares of the Kailali District’s lower slopes of the Siwalik Hills. The term ‘Ghodaghodi’ comes from the Nepali words for male and female horses. Ghodaghodi Tal is made up of nine lakes: Ghodaghodi, Ojhuwa, Purbi Ojhuwa, Chaitya, Baishawan, Sunpokhari, Nakhrodi, Budhi Nakhrodi, and Ramphal.

This area’s woodland and ponds also serve as a wildlife corridor between the Terai and Churia highlands. Ghodaghodi Lake can meet two of the eight indicators. In 2003, Ramasar site indications were designated at the international level, offering habitat for more than There are 20,000 wetland-dependent birds in the region, which supports a 1% cotton pygmy population.
घोडाघोडी ताल, सुदूरपश्चिम प्रदेश, नेपालको Kailali जिल्लामा स्थित एक नै रमाइलो ताल हो। यो ताल प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्य र वन्यजन्तुहरूको लागि प्रमुख आकर्षणमा परेको छ र यहाँको वन्यजन्तु र बर्ड विचरणले यो एक प्रमुख अभ्यन्तरी पर्यटन स्थल बनाएको छ। यो ताल एक प्राकृतिक अभ्यन्तरी स्थलको रूपमा पनि मनाइएको छ र यहाँ पुरातात्विक स्मारक र धार्मिक स्थलहरू पनि रहेका छन्।
घोडाघोडी ताल एक राम्रो वातावरणमा बसेको छ जुलाई महिनामा, जब यहाँको सुरम्य तालको किनारामा फूल खिरो रहेको हुन्छ। यहाँ जलवायु उपहार गरेको छ, जुन यात्राकर्ताहरूलाई सुन्दर पहाड़ी र बानी दृश्यहरूको आनंद लिन मनाउँछ। तालको चारो पर्वहरू र समृद्धि शाली बनाएको छ, र यहाँ स्थानीय जनसंख्याले यात्रा गरेर विभिन्न पर्वतीय पर्वहरू मनाउँछन्।
घोडाघोडी ताल (ghodaghodi lake) एक बिशेष रूपमा बनाइएको ताल हो, जसले आत्मनिर्भरता, जलवायु संरक्षण, र स्थानीय समुदायको विकासमा महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेलेको छ। यहाँ एक सुस्त, नैसर्गिक आत्मसमर्पणका साथै, यहाँका स्थानीय जनसंख्याले स्थानीय वन्यजन्तुहरू र वन्यजन्तु सञ्चय गरेका छन्, जुनले यो स्थानीय बायोडाइभर्सिटी बनाएको छ। यहाँ पाइने विभिन्न प्रजातिहरूले यहाँको प्राकृतिक समृद्धि र सौन्दर्यमा यो अपनाइएको छ।
घोडाघोडी ताल एक सुखद स्थल हो जहाँ प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्य, स्थानीय सांस्कृतिक धरोहर, र रमाइलो तालको अनुभव गर्न सकिन्छ।
Table of Contents
History of Ghodaghodi Lake (घोडाघोडी ताल)
A recluse crushed Lord Shiva and Parvati into a horse, according to Historian. The lake was formerly encircled by God Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Ghodaghodi Lake is now a significant place of devotion for the Tharu people. On the lake’s shore, there is a modest temple. During the Agahan Panchami and Maghi Festivals, many Tharus congregate. They present clay horses, elephants, and tigers to the Goddess Gauri Mata in order for their desires to be granted. The lake is a natural oxbow lake made up of a complex network of roughly 13 big and shallow lakes and ponds, including Nakhrodi Lake and various related marshes and meadows.

Religious place
The lake is a significant religious site, with a temple devoted to the Ghodaghodi god, where indigenous Tharu people celebrate Agan Panchami, a traditional festival in December, and take a sacred bath in the lake. Because of the high population inside the site (about 6,700 individuals, 50% of whom are illegal immigrants from neighboring mountainous areas), it is heavily used for traditional fishing and agriculture.

Plants and birds in Ghodaghodi Lake
lake is bordered by tropical deciduous forest and a few streams divided by hillocks on the outskirts. These lakes are surrounded by tree forest, shrub forest, and agricultural forest, which adds to their natural beauty. The lake is home to 388 vascular plants, including five pteridophytes, 253 dicots, and 130 monocots.

The forest and ponds provide a wildlife corridor connecting the Terai lowlands and the Siwalik Hills. They help critically endangered and vulnerable species such as the Bengal Tiger, the Smooth Coated Otter, the Eurasian Otter, the Swamp Deer, the Lesser Adjutant, the Marsh Crocodile, the Red-Crowned Turtle, and the Three Striped Roofed Turtle.
Top things to do in Ghodaghodi Lake
- Sightseeing
- Boating
- Fishing
- Exploring
The lake has become an intrinsic part of the people who live around it. Because the surrounding land is very fertile, it offers excellent chances for agricultural and cattle grazing. In addition, the lake provides residents with fodder, fuelwood, the potential to enhance tourism, and a terrific spot to fish. Ghodaghodi Lake has contributed to the region’s microclimate as well as flood mitigation and replenishment.
Threats in lake
- High reliance on forest and wetland resources; domestic livestock overgrazing
- Poaching causes the extinction of protected species.
- The process of eutrophication Settlement development, expansion and projects for growth
- Sedimentation/siltation, as well as erosion
- Exotic plant species introduction or invasion
- Agriculture drainage/reclamation
- Vegetative succession
Ghodaghodi Taal is one of the historic places lying on the far west of Nepal. There are many animals and plants based on this place. This is one of the endangered places for all the fauna and flora found in this Ramsar. Saving those species is essential for Ghodaghodi Lake so that future generations can know about this place better.
FAQ on Ghodaghodi Taal
What species are found in the Ghodaghodi Taal?
There are 388 vascular plants: five ptredophytes, 253 dicots, and 130 monocots, as well as the Bengal tiger, smooth-coated otter, Eurasian otter, swamp deer, lesser adjutant stork, red-crowned roofed turtle, and three-striped roofed turtle.
How far is Ghodaghodi lake from Dhangadhi?
Ghodaghodi lake is 48.7 km away away from Dhangadhi, kailali.